Thursday 17 September 2020

NEET 2021 Preparation Tips

You have taken that big step. The step which your family was apprehensive about. The step you feared would make your friends cheer at you.

Here you are now – at the precipice of another year with nothing to do but study for NEET 2021. You have a lot at stake, and a lot to gain as well. You want to score a whole lot more than you did last year and get into your dream institute. You have promises to keep – to yourself and to your parents.

However, you are afraid too. Several thoughts plague your mind ‘what if I dropped for nothing? What if I score worse than last year? What if I fail again?

These words hum a constant anxiety-inducing tune in the back of your mind.

We believe you have no reason to feel anxious. No matter what people  think, being a dropper has its advantages and you have it in you to be a NEET topper and get into the medical institute of your dreams.

How to do that, you ask? We tell you some NEET 2021 preparation tips below:

Before you begin, fix your mindset

Drop the fear of failure. Drop the insecurity you might have around being a dropper. Since you are a dropper, you now know first-hand how the final exam actually is and how to tackle it. You have a lot more self-knowledge than someone who is appearing for NEET for the first time. This is a powerful position to be in.

Take an inventory of where you are now and where you want to go

This means evaluating how you prepared for NEET 2021, what your strong and weak points were, and setting a goal for this year. It might be a definite number or it might be a range you want to score in. Write all of this down.

Evaluate last year’s mistakes

This is a very crucial step. Here are the possible mistakes you might have made:

§  Not being enthusiastic/ motivated/ serious enough

§  Focusing too much on one subject at the cost of others

§  Not practising enough difficult questions

§  Randomly studying with no plan

§  Being too distracted by social media and using it while studying

§  Not solving online mock tests until the last minute

§  Neglecting NCERT because it is ‘too basic’ or ‘too simple’.

§  Neglecting 11th-grade syllabus

Be brutally honest with yourself and admit to all the ways in which you messed up. That is the only way you can improve this year.

Make a study plan

A solid study plan with deadlines written on paper where you can track your progress.

§  If you did not study NCERT Books thoroughly last year, include it in your plan along with one advanced book.

§  If you did not solve enough mock papers, solve 2-3 each week and solve them twice.

§  If you focused too much on one subject, allocate enough time for all subjects.

Be consistent

Stick to your plan with no excuses. Include hours for rest in your plan and stick to those as well. Do not abandon your plan at any point. Say no to social engagements if they collide with your schedule. Make a simple policy of ‘no excuses’ when it comes to studying.

Say the strongest ‘no’ to all forms of negativity

Get rid of your own mental chatter that includes self-doubt and the concerned looks of others. This is your year because you are preparing thoroughly for it.

Ditch your phone

Reduce the amount of time that you spend on the phone. If you need to relax, choose to exercise, dance, or participate in outdoor activities which will benefit you once you come back to your study desk again.

Be your own cheerleader

Before you sit down to study, spend 2-3 minutes amping yourself up. Read Zig Ziglar quotes. Repeat mantras to yourself. Sentences like ‘I am capable’ and ‘I am a winner’ will sound hokey in the beginning. But they will get you in the right frame of mind to study with enthusiasm and motivation.

Most of all, remind yourself why you are doing this. Because once upon a time, your parents and you dreamed a dream for you. Now, you owe it to yourself to make it come true. And truthfully? It ain’t that hard.

You can absolutely do it. All the best!

Also read:

Top tips to prepare for NEET 2021


Wednesday 16 September 2020

Advantages of Seeking Studies Through Distance Universities in Pandemic Situation

 The system of education now goes much beyond the four walls of a classroom. With the advent of distance learning universities, students now get the opportunity to pursue the academic course of their choice from anywhere and at any time. Distance learning has over the years emerged as quite a viable option for pursuing higher education as the degrees and certificates acquired through it are now accepted and recognized by most employers and educational institutions. There are a lot of advantages of distance universities for pursuing higher education , some of them have been discussed below:



My Next Exam is Asia’s top online education website to educate the educator and students in one platform purely devoted to excellence in online programs, e-learning, and to mounting students in various disciplines who make a difference. They are providing details for all universities and colleges in India.

• Flexible: In comparison to studying in traditional educational institutions, pursuing academic courses through distance universities is a much more flexible option now. In the distance learning system, students are not restricted to any rigid schedule and they even get to enjoy the benefits of completing their assignments as per their own convenience. This factor enables students to create their own learning schedule and helps them to work on their classwork whenever they find it the most convenient to do so.

• Work and learn: Owing to their flexible schedule, distance universities facilitate the ‘work and learn’ system. Students can easily continue with a job and strengthen their portfolio while completing an academic course from distance educational institutions. This flexibility is especially beneficial for professionals looking to further their career and quickly move up the corporate hierarchy as they can always pursue an online MBA program while continuing with their job. This way, they can add on to both, their work experience as well as qualification which will certainly give them an edge over others.



• Affordable: In most cases, the fee structure of distance universities is much lower than that of traditional educational institutions. Also, when pursuing an academic program via distance education, students do not even have to bear the extra costs of travelling to and from college every day. They even get to save on the money students usually spend in maintaining a social circle in college. Yes undoubtedly, Fees are not generic in Covid 19 Times.

• Comfortable Pace: The pace of absorbing information and memorizing new concepts differs from one student to the other. In the case of distance learning, every student gets the chance to learn and finish their assignments at their distinct pace of learning. Moreover, in the case of online learning, lectures and presentations are ideally available on a video or text format and hence the students can refer back to them whenever they want. This unique feature of distance learning helps each student to progress as per his/her capability as especially in pandemic situation when you have not to go out.

In Covid-19 While there are a host of advantages of pursuing course like mass communication, social media management, BBA or online MBA, it is incredibly important that people choose a recognized university so they can get all the support required to complete the course and even the degree awarded by the university is widely accepted. While zeroing in on the distance university to pursue a course from, people should ideally check out the following:

• The student and alumni testimonials

• Qualification as well as portfolio of the faculty

• Their years of experience in the field

• The accreditations that the university

The above-mentioned pointers can help students to identify the most reliable and trustworthy distance learning universities, which can essentially provide them with the best possible education and enable them to acquire degrees that are recognized widely across the globe.


Check out all the UG and PG distance education courses for universities and colleges in India . Get all Information of such colleges and universities as well as courses from My next exam

Wednesday 2 September 2020

All India Entrance Exam Preparation: Tips to Ease Your Worries

Studying Longer is not possible for everyone, so studying in effective manner is Must!


Vital is while you are preparing yourself for the most entrance exams in 2020, it is important to complete your syllabus, but at the same time, effectively utilizing your time is very important. It is a myth that you should study for 12 to 14 hours in a day to score good marks; but doesn't stand true in all cases. Every student can learn on their own way. During this time it is vital to understand how much you have studied rather than how long you have studied which is important to consider.

Start Early: Preparation for exams should begin earlier so that you always get a chance to revise your studies. One cannot study the entire portion a day prior to the examination and hence one need finish the entire portion at least for weeks prior to the examination in order to revise the portion.

Organize yourself: One should always be organized and prepare an agenda of the portion which needs to be covered each day. For that it is crucial to make an outline of how many days you have in order to finish your studies and that you have enough time left to revise as well. After you finish a particular topic, always give a mini review of how much you remember.

Prepare an outline: Now that you have organized yourself, it is time for some actual study. It is to make brief outlines/ points that help you in recollecting the entire concept. One could prepare this while he/ she are attending a lecture in the classroom or while you are reading the text book. Once you finish reading, mark all the point which are difficult and read them once more to understand them better or take help from the tutor. After the entire part is clear, prepare an outline which can be used as a last minute referral. All the above and below mentioned points  are must to follow in NEET Entrance Examination2020..



Make Flashcards : Hence when you are done with the outline/ pointers these flashcards could be prepared as a portable study book to look over at the end moment. Check all detail of entrance examination at website My Next Exam. You can reach them easily for any other tip or to get information for distance education courses in India.

Take Help: In case you think that you are facing a trouble in understanding a particular subject then please take help from your tutor or mentor to understand the concept before it gets too late. Do not memorize as you may forget it instead take help, understand the concept to remember it lifetime. You could also take help of family members to question you on the same. You can also take help from my next exam for any detail about distance education universities in India.


Sleep well: You need to take minimum of seven hours of sleep in night in order to remember while you are attempting exams. These tests are designed in order to think and in case you are sleep-deprived then you will not be able to justify or complete your exam paper for which you have put in hard work.

 Don't panic: Do not get hyper or panic while you are writing your exams, even if you don't remember the answers then and there. Stay calm and attempt the next question, leaving space for the one which you don't remember. Finish all the answers and then attempt that particular question.


Understanding Concepts: When you have spent a lot of time in studying, spend a couple of minutes more and finish one thing at a time. Don't rush while you are writing your answers as sometimes the questions can be tricky. Hence, read then understand and slowly start writing the answer. In case you are done before the time is up then read all the answers once again.

Don't Evaluate Post Examination: If you think that for one of the answer you have written an incorrect    answer, please don't panic post examination. At that point you will not be able to do anything or   change your score. Stay focused for the next one instead to ensure that the same mistake isn't repeated again.

Do not worry for NEET 2021 Application form, dates, last date of registration, admit card, results. You will be notified at